Teachers guide

Teachers guide


1. Training physical, psychological, emotional, social Capabilities of the novices
2. Scientific information about Zurkhaneh Sports
3. Getting to know and learning the culture and customs and values of the Zurkhaneh Sports
Educational headlines
1. An introduction to Zurkhaneh Sports instruments,
2. An introduction to appropriate customs of entering the gode and ancient greeting,
3. An introduction to appropriate customs of simple and compound Milgiri,
4. An introduction to appropriate customs of simple Milbazi,
5. An introduction to appropriate customs of different skills of push-up board,
6. An introduction to appropriate customs of ancient warm-up behind board,
7. An introduction to appropriate customs of whirling,
8. An introduction to appropriate customs of foot work (starting footwork, cross-like moves shateri (footman`s) foot back move, footmove or Fattah, first, second, third and last Tabrizi foot move)
9. An introduction to appropriate customs of kabbade,
10. An introduction to appropriate customs of lifting up the sang,
11. An introduction to Zarb rhythms and doing simple rhythm moves with zarb,
12. An introduction to customs of praying, 
13. An introduction to appropriate customs of midfield skills,
14. An introduction to appropriate customs of Morshedi skills,
15. An introduction to customs of Golrizan.

Major objectives
• Getting to know and learning and doing basic individual and group skills
• An Introduction to customs of Zurkhaneh sports
• improving individual and social capabilities and life skills
Minor objectives
An Introduction to appropriate customs and improving:
• Knowledge (Values, everyday expressions, main concepts, procedures)
• Understanding (values, theories and regulations)
• Function (values, concepts, theories and rules in new opportunities in practice)
• Analysis (appropriate execution of skills and understanding the faults and analyzing them)
• Combination (combines the skills together and invents new skills)
• Assessment (evaluates appropriate skills)

Skill Objectives
Novice should be able to execute the skills correctly after observing and practicing individual and group
• imitation (gets to know the instruments, becomes interested in doing the moves, he is physically able to
execute the skills with the help of his coach and he`ll be able to correct his mistakes)
• independent performance (novice learns the basic techniques and performs them with group or individually)
• accuracy (novice performs the moves accurately without any mistakes)
• harmony of movements (novice performs the simple, compound and rhythmical moves)
• normalization (performs the moves skillfully)

Emotional objectives
• understanding (the novice is sensitive to the importance of learning knowledge and pays specific attention to social affairs, he also asks behavioral questions, follows, names, describes and listens attentively)
• reaction (the novice obeys sports and class regulations, volunteers for different activities, enjoys literature, response behaviorally, helps consents, obeys, congratulates, performs, practices, reads and reports)
• evaluation (the novice values sports and its role in everyday life, he is interested in the peace and quiet of others, he is committed to social progress and pioneers behaviorally, practices, studies, invites, joins, contributes, recommends and is grateful)
• Organization (the novice knows well the importance and role of time and programming in solving problems, sets specific and timing schedule for his life according to his abilities and interests, supports behaviorally, regulates, reforms, modifies, generalizes, organizes and coordinates)
• Manifestation (shows considerable self confidence for competitions practically participates in team work and behaviorally determines the quality of something, reconsiders and judges) Required educational equipment Appropriate atmosphere instruments and devices necessary for Zurkhaneh sports including mil, push-up board, kabbade, sang, ancient outfit, zarb, zang, cds and educational films.
Important informations
1. The necessity of wearing suitable outfit,
2. Principles of individual and social, health care,
3. Principles of educational atmosphere and equipment safety,
4. Moral principles and developing abilities, velocity power, stamina, friskiness, flexibility, thinking and useful individual and social consequences.
5. Paying attention to the novice`s individual differences and mental motivations,
6. Appropriate implementation of skills and expressing key terms and features,
7. Identifying problems and mistakes in implementing skills by the novice and learning how to solve them.
8. Skills are taught from simple to more difficult and compound once.
9. Principles of mental practice and its uses.
10. Principles of supplying energy and applying in milgiri, milbazi and kabbade and lifting the sang movements.
11. An introduction to the proper entrance movements into gode and ancient greetings.
12. An introduction to lifting push-up board and different types of push-up.
13. An introduction to different kinds of ancients warm-ups.
14. An introduction to the rules of returning push-up board to its place.
15. An introduction to the rules of whirling and kabbade.

Tips for teaching
• the novice`s movements should be manageable for the teacher.
• the educational and workout subjects should be very simple and brief.
• the novice`s problem and mistake should be corrected in group.
• encouraging and motivating words and expressions should be used more than negative and insulting once during the exercise.
• exercises are implemented from simple to difficult from static to dynamic.
• utilizing milgiri-kabbade and sang should be taught and lighter equipment are better to start with.
• the time of each exercise should not be too lang.
• innovations and variety in practicing and educating regulations should be applied.
• it is better to start first individually and then organizing the athlete`s in groups of two or more members.

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