Sports veterans’ meeting for the coordination and selection of chosen veterans

Sports veterans’ meeting for the coordination and selection of chosen veterans


In the presence of the IZSF President, Senior Advisor, and sport veterans, necessary coordination was made to select chosen individuals.

According to IZSF public relations department, at this meeting which began when Mr. Mehralizadeh welcomed the guests and continued with Mr. Afsharzadeh’s speech, necessary measures were taken for planning and selection of chosen veteran athlete.

Mr. Mehralizadeh appreciated the attendance of all the veterans and in his words described sport as a sacred field and emphasized that this positive aspect of sport is a heritage from the veterans and the great figures in this field which thanks to their efforts has been transferred to the younger generation, and the efforts of these veterans must not be overlooked.

Then, Mr. Afsharzadeh welcomed the Pahlavans and veteran and considered the solidarity among athletes as one of the main factors in forward progress of sports. He added: “There must not be a gap between the younger generation and the previous generations of athletes in a way that the sport heritage is endangered and distances from its main mission.

During the continuation of the meeting, each of the participants delivered a speech and expressed their viewpoints regarding the selection of chosen veterans and emphasized the continuation of this good tradition.     

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